Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Long Day

Thanks for everyone's encouragement with Brian's situation. I am feeling more positive and trying to trust that it's in the Lord's hands! I know that Brian will be able to handle whatever he is challenged with. He's awesome that way.
So I don't normally have days like this where I just go, go, go! I love the feeling of a good day's parents taught me well (I was telling my mom about a situation that I encountered at work today and explaining to her how I reacted. She informed me that she "raised a good daughter". LOL). But sometimes I just want a nap!
I finally got home and had to go straight to Young Women's after changing out of my work clothes. I walked into my closet, and on the floor was one of my belts...chewed up.
I have a dog for a cat.
What a day. LOL


Makayla Steiner said...

HA! So cats and dogs really do have similar traits... LOL

Jayelle said...

Ya, I guess they do! At any rate I am going to need a new black belt! Just a good excuse to go shopping! LOL