Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Husband Rocks...

Just today, He:

Did the dishes
Changed the cat box
Went to Wal Mart
Took out the garbage
Fixed my laptop (AMAZING...I can't live without the dang thing)
and (the kicker)
Agreed to be my guinea pig while I practiced on our new waxing system at work! Come on, how many guys do you know that would let you wax their necklines without knowing beforehand what in the world they were in for? That is real bravery.


Aubrey said...

I can't remember when my husband was that nice... You got a real winner. Dishes too!! That truly is amazing. The most my husband does around the house is put his dirty socks in a pile instead of all over the place and that took years of training!

Makayla Steiner said...

Hmmmm... I bet he never lets you wax him again! LOL.

We had Scott's eyebrows waxed once... he said in the future he will simply pluck them. :D

Rach Williams said...

Ugh... he had better be changing the kitty litter. You stay FAR AWAY, I meant it! If I catch wind that it becomes your responsibility I am moving in!!! (all joking aside, pregos really shouldn't be anywhere near that stuff. FYI. haha).