Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Think That...

  1. ..this baby is either going to be some sort of gymnast or world kick-ball champion. I'm just saying that I don't think we have to worry about any kind of muscle weakness in the leg region. The kicks this kid can produce are insane.
  2. ...the best times I have with Ryan are when we just talk to each other and laugh and laugh some more...usually when we should be sleeping.
  3. ...because of the regular occurance of the best times (above) I am getting into a terrible sleep pattern where I stay up all night talking, go to work in the morning, and totally crash around 6pm...only to wake up and stay up all night again...sigh.
  4. ...I am not telling clients at work what we have chosen for our baby's name. I DID tell one guy the other day and he told me it was a terrible name! Who says that?! He said something about it being 4 syllables and only 6 letters and what a mouthful and yada, yada, yada. So no more of that.
  5. ...tomorrow will be fun for a couple of reasons. First, it is the primary presentation. :) Second, I get to play "How Firm a Foundation" as one of the hymns. Possibly my favorite to play on the organ. And people might actually sing.
  6. ...I probably should have gone to the Relief Society broadcast tonight, but I was too afraid that I would get stuck sitting on a metal chair. I know. Pathetic. But sitting anywhere for that long gets uncomfortable, let alone a hard, folding chair. Good thing they'll re-broadcast it on BYU-TV sometime tomorrow.
  7. ...I will make banana bread sometime soon. Yum!


Makayla Steiner said...

Pooh on the customer. Tell the women. They'll be nice about it. Men are far too honest for their own good sometimes.

And the sleep pattern might be good practice, you know.

So what are you going to do once you have the baby? Is she going to come to the salon with you after you take some maternity leave, or do you get to stay home? (Just wondering... honest question... no judgment, etc.)

Jayelle said...

No judgement taken. :) I'll still work three or four days a week and two of them Ryan will have off, so that leaves a couple days where one of my friends has offered to be of service! That's the plan, anyway...We all know how life goes according to the plan...LOL.

Aubrey said...

Sometimes those clients are just silly! Don't mess with the lady cutting your hair!
We sang How Firm A Foundation at the Broadcast. It was awesome. I don't have to worry about the metal chairs because our stake is so small that we just took of the chapel.
You need to update my fitness address of the blogs that you follow. It's so that you can see what's new. I wrote about the broadcast on there too!