Thursday, January 28, 2010


Olivia has changed every aspect of our lives, but I'm sure that she is getting used to a few changes herself, after being so warm (and I DO mean WARM) and cozy for nine (long) months. She is doing incredibly well, if I do say so myself. Here are a few of her favorite (and not so favorite) things!

Olivia's Favorites:

  • Being held close and rocked (duh)
  • Bathtime-And none of this lukewarm, baby's-skin-is-too-sensitive type water. My girl likes it hot!
  • Her new swing from Grandma B.-Lifesaver.
  • Sleeping on the couch with Dad
  • Staring at the ceiling fans-For whatever reason, they absolutely fascinate her. She just stares and stares...
  • Grunting-When you're a new mom, they tell you that your baby will have different cries for different things (wet, hungry, sleepy, cold, etc.) but this baby has different grunts instead.
  • Riding in the car
  • Tummy time-This girl loves being on her tummy. I know she would sleep better if I could lay her on her belly, but since that is pretty much the cardinal sin of parenthood (higher risk of SIDS) I won't.

  • Eating-I am grateful that she has been so willing to try new things while crazy Mom and Dad are trying to figure out what makes her happiest. She was getting breastmilk from a bottle, but I could not for the life of me figure out what I was eating that was making her stomach so upset and gassy, so we tried formula for a few days and that, combined with anti-gas drops, helped a ton. We are still experimenting with formulas (and I will be getting another job to pay for the darn stuff! Sheesh!) to try and find what works best, and she has been a champ. As long as it's warm and liquid, she'll eat it!

  • Dancing with Mom-I'm not posting any videos. You're just going to have to take my word for it on this one.

Olivia's Not Favorites:

  • Getting out of her nice, toasty bath-Even with a warm towel she still hates getting out of the tub!

  • Baby lotion (but it just smells so good!)

  • Getting strapped in the carseat (another duh)

  • Sleeping in her cradle- Yes, we are going to regret this later, but she sleeps in the reclined position of her bouncer (which I then place right beside me in bed) pretty much every night. Don't judge-I'm working on it. :)

  • Getting dressed

  • Straightening out her arms and legs-Which explains why she hates getting dressed! She just loves to be curled up!


Aubrey said...

Yeah! I love Olivia news!!
It's so funny to see the differences in babies. BTW. The whole sleeping on the belly thing depends on the doctor you have. They all say something different because when I had Ty they were saying don't lay them on their back. IMO. I think that every baby is different and it's more of a breathing thing. If they are weak breathers then it doesn't matter the position. As soon as Jocelyn showed strong neck muscles and was getting close to rolling over, she was on her tummy. If you make sure your baby is dressed warmly and there are no loose blankets near them then they are fine. And she is! These are the choices that we have to make as mothers. Sounds like she's so happy. I bet you guys are having so much fun with her!! BTW. Costco brand formula is a 100 times cheaper but just like any other, she might not like it. My baby takes a formula that only costs me about $40 a month and she's twice as big as Olivia. Try it!

Makayla Steiner said...

I slept on my belly with my face in the mattress when I was tiny. It used to scare my mom to death, but I would just HOWL until they let me lay on the belly. Then, after I was asleep, they would roll me to my back.

And I'm glad your child is smart enough to understand the value of hot water. Wait until she gets siblings... it becomes a precious commodity.

And, as per my blog the other day, if she stared at our ceiling fans she'd get a mouth full of dust. :P

Cute news. I liked this post a lot. :)

Jayelle said...

Aubrey- thanks so much for the advice! I think we shall make a costco run tomorrow!
Makayla- our ceiling fans are just waiting for your caring, cleaning touch! LoL. Glad you liked this post! It was really fun to write.

Lisa said...

Don't worry about the reclined bouncer by the bed... Benjamin was in the car seat by my bed for weeks until he learned to sleep in his crib. He is also a tummy sleeper!! I check on him so often because I worry about him.

Rach Williams said...

How cute. I absolutely love her name, by the way. I love love love the name Olivia. i cannot even believe how much she looks like a little Boehmer. Congrats again Jayelle, she's so cute!!! I bet you're a lot more comfortable now eh? Haha.