Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bath Time!

Our lives are becoming more and more routine with each day, and I LOVE that! I was so thrown off at first with Olivia because I depend on my routine to anticipate and prepare for each day, and there has been such a lack of that since she arrived. Going with the flow has never been one of my strong attributes. I have felt so out of control (Control? Me? Never! LOL) and the past few weeks, I've finally felt like I can handle things a little better. Progress. I have never been forced to learn so much about myself in such a short amount of time!

Olivia turned 3 months last Monday. She is more beautiful each day. Here are some fun new things she is loving and experiencing:

I bought a Moby wrap. It has basically saved my life (thanks, Erin for the suggestion!). The wrap has become part of our routine, and if Olivia goes in the wrap right after she eats, she goes right to sleep. She is so happy to just sleep the day away while I work around the house or go for a walk and she has been sleeping better at night since starting to take regular naps. I should have tried this wonderful little invention out a LOT sooner.

Speaking of sleeping, Olivia had two nights this week where she went to be around 11 and only woke up once until 7 AM. That may still not sound great, but for me, it has been HEAVENLY. Feeling more and more like myself every day! And a rested baby is a happy baby!

Olivia gets to go to Primary from now on with me, since my new calling is the primary pianist. She is at a point where she'll sleep most of those two hours in her car seat, and the rest of the time she can sit on my lap while I play. It should be an adventure! I am SO excited.

Ryan and I decided to try putting Olivia in her cradle again last week. We have sort of been taking the path of least resistance up to this point, so she has been sleeping in her bouncer, but no more! She has taken to it quite well, and now my feet have room in the bed again!

Bath time is part of our bedtime routine, and our little fishy just loves it. Getting her ready for her bath my second favorite time of day (my favorite is when she first wakes up and is SO happy!) because she gets so excited. Here are some pictures for your (mostly, for my own) enjoyment.


MBoehmer said...

She is the sweetest thing! How did we get so lucky to have her.

McGinnis Family said...

She is so funny, funny, funny! What a cute personality!

I'm so glad and relieved for you, that you are getting into a routine and starting to feel better about things. I am more than happy and willing to take her so you can go shopping, nap, or whatever....even just sit and do nothing. Just let me know!

You and are mimmicking each other on callings. I am Primary pianist too! AT least you have a little munchkin to keep you entertained. I'm just plain BORED! LOL!

brittney said...

I just LOVE her bright, round eyes. so sweet!!

Erin said...

I'm so glad you like the Moby! It has saved me too. She is adorable! I wish I could come see you!

Lisa said...

She is beautiful!