Sunday, July 18, 2010

7 Months!

Olivia turned 7 months this last week! I am so excited for her to be growing big and strong, but I did realize how much she has grown after holding my 3-week-old niece. She really DID used to be that tiny! What?! She is doing so many funny and cute things! Here are some facts about Olivia at 7 months:
  • Weighs close to 17 pounds
  • Was diagnosed with VUR (vesicoureteral reflux) early in the month. She came down with a fever, tested positive for a kidney infection and had an ultrasound and dye x-ray to find the problem. Her bladder refluxes urine back into both kidneys, causing infection over time. Repeated kidney infections are not good for the kidneys (obviously) so she is on low-dose antibiotics (not crazy about this) until we can get into the urologist in a few months. Basically, baby with kidney infection=no fun for anyone, so we continue the recommended course of treatment for the time being.
  • Sits up really well! She still tips over occasionally, but is better every day!
  • We may have officially outgrown the Bumbo, but it will make one last hoorah to Nauvoo. Can't beat the compactness of the bumbo as a seat/highchair on the road!
  • Sleeping through the night! Just kidding. Had to throw that in there. LOL (FYI: still waking up four+ times a night. Eats more in six hours at night than the rest of the day combined. Should fix that one of these days. But for now, I just get the bottles ready before bed and go with it. :)
  • Eating solid foods like crazy, and loving them!
  • Had her first Fourth of July and went to bed early :( The life of a baby. LOL
  • Loves other kids. Like, a lot. Loves to share slobber. Delicious.
  • Says "Mamama" all the time, but not sure she is really talking about ME. Still, I'd like to think all of that coaching has paid off. :)
  • Has one Great Grandma Boehmer that cannot wait to get her hands on her!
  • Will be taking her first real road trip this week to visit Nauvoo and St. Louis. Can't wait to meet/ see all of our loved ones!
  • Olivia's favorite thing is to watch videos of herself on our phones. Her next favorite thing is to eat paper. I actually had Ryan google 'edible paper' today to see if there is such a thing. Turns out, there is! It's for cake decorating and such, but sounds like the perfect church toy to me. This baby has SO many toys, and yet, she chooses to love the cell phones and the paper. Why even bother buying toys, I say. Yum. Paper.


Aubrey said...

I'm sorry she's not feeling well! It does sound like she's doing a lot of really good things though! I can't believe it's already been 7 months!!
You need to let that girl cry it out at night!! Give her 20 minutes and she will go back to sleep. 3 nights of that and she won't wake up at all!! I PROMISE. Good luck with that!

brittney said...

aw! I miss you guys!! that is so exciting to hear how she is doing... and Nauvoo?? fun stuff! I agree with Aubrey, let her cry it out!