Dear Brian, it is that wonderful time of year during which we are the same age. For the next six weeks we shall share the magical number 23. And since we're getting old, I think I should definitely apologize for a few of the terrible things I have done to you over the years. So...
I am sorry for never letting you play with my barbies. I preferred (and continue to prefer. LOL) my imaginatory games in solitude, but all you wanted to do was be Ken.
I'm sorry for calling you "Brianna" for however long that phase went on.
I'm sorry for always being jealous of your ability to make friends. Let's be honest, you're just more likable than I am.
Mom: "Jayelle, do the dishes."
Jayelle: "Ok."
Jayelle: "Brian, Mom said you're supposed to do the dishes."
I'm sorry for that.
He's a good guy. I'm proud to have him as a brother. I really do have the best family. I think I know how I got thrown into the group. You know how when you're trying to make even teams to play softball or something and you have one weak player and you're not sure where to stick 'em? So you put that person on the team with the most strong players so that they can make up for the weakness of that one. Yup. I am on the team with the strong players so that they can make up for my weaknesses and strengthen me. True story. Love my family!