Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Husband Rocks...

Just today, He:

Did the dishes
Changed the cat box
Went to Wal Mart
Took out the garbage
Fixed my laptop (AMAZING...I can't live without the dang thing)
and (the kicker)
Agreed to be my guinea pig while I practiced on our new waxing system at work! Come on, how many guys do you know that would let you wax their necklines without knowing beforehand what in the world they were in for? That is real bravery.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Boy oh Boy...

Boy oh boy...it's a girl!
Doctor: "Well, I wouldn't stake my life on this one, but I'm pretty sure it's a girl."
So, sorry for all those who voted for a boy! Ryan claims to have had a 'gut feeling' that it was a girl. I didn't have a 'gut feeling'...go figure. LOL. And I just love our doctor. He called our baby a "little rascal" because she is facing my back, which obviously would make it difficult to determine the gender. He acted quite certain, but we are so excited that it won't really matter if we end up taking home a little boy in a little pink outift come January!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Take a Stab at It!

We have our ultrasound on the 24th to find out what baby is. There are only two options in this poll....twins are out! LOL I'm excited to see what you all think!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


There are too many mirrors at work. I see myself all day long. But today when I took my apron off, I looked in the mirror one final time before leaving and I thought "Whoa, that girl actually looks kinda pregnant". LOL