Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Vegas, Baby!

So, I know, we only live about, oh, two hours from Las Vegas. But it's still Vegas, and I went 'crazy tourist' with the camera! We just went down for the day, and spent a few hours just walking around. It was HOT, but still enjoyable! Hope you enjoy the pics!

There's an "M" in all of us!
The "Eiffel Tower"
The big motorcycle coming out of the Harley Davidson Cafe roof.

'Big' would definitely be the theme in Vegas.

We made our server at Cheesecake Factory in Caesar's take this dorky pic of us!

Here is more big stuff! The piano is a lot harder to play with just your feet!
Try playing chopsticks like this!

The big, plush, Harry Potter inspired Spider!
Ryan, the caveman, with his friends.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Birthday!

It was my 22nd birthday yesterday! My husband is so sweet! He took the day off of work, and instead spent the day baking this awesome cake (filled with raspberry! yum!) and tidying the house. He also got me a massage, so now I just have to make the appointment and go(more to follow on how my first massage goes...). How exciting! It was, overall, a great day and hopefully now that I'm getting older the "wiser" part will follow closely!