Thursday, October 7, 2010


Ok, I'm struggling! I work precisely two days a week. These are 8-hour days, with a half hour drive each way. That leaves me five full days (with the exception of 3 hours for church on Sunday) in which I should be able to get things done. Olivia is almost 10 months old. And yet, I haven't done anything crafty/fun/creative for myself (except for Tyler's graduation announcements a few months ago) since the day she was born. I shouldn't compare myself to others, I know. But everywhere I look my friends are enjoying their various hobbies, while it seems I am doomed to a life of sleepless nights, nap-filled days and barely keeping my head above water. So, either I am just an extremely unproductive soul, or everyone else has some sort of secret! Share away! :) This is how a day off typically goes:
7am Up with the sun...and the baby
7:30 Breakfast, make bed, dishes
8: Shower, get ready
9: Snack
9:30 Naptime
11: Lunch
11:30 Run errands
1: Snack, play, watch Elmo
2: Naptime
3:30 Start dinner
4: Finish up chores
5:30 Dinner, dishes
6: Playtime
6:45 Bathtime, storytime
7:15 Bedtime
And, if I don't fall into bed in an exhausted heap by 8pm, then I am sitting like a log in front of the computer or reading...waiting for the night shift to begin. :) So are you all like me? Where do I compromise to get some 'me' time back? Please and thank you for your swift responses. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010


Things are pretty routine with us these days! There is nothing new and exciting, but here are a few of the highlights of our lives right now:

  • Olivia is crawling everywhere. I have got to figure out a way to keep this child contained! Ideas?

  • Ryan and I went to Tyler's first college band concert last night and it was incredible, save the 20 minute Russian Dance number by the woodwind ensemble. LOL. Tyler isn't a horn major, but he made it into the band and is second chair French Horn. We had a lot of fun being out without the baby.

  • Ryan and I are both getting into the groove of our new jobs. I'm working only Mondays and Saturdays, so I have the rest of the week to do whatever else I get time to do, since I have a twenty-pound shoulder bag (Olivia, although my actual purse may weigh that much at times)that I have to carry around with me everywhere.

  • I am in love with our video baby monitor. It wasn't of much use when Olivia was younger and sleeping right next to me, but now that she's in her own room (and standing in her bed) it's so fun to watch her crawl around her bed and pull herself up (oh, and Ryan's personal favorite, "stinkbug" position. LOL). It was a gift (pricey) but I think it would be totally worth it. Now, if only it had a record button!