Tuesday, January 8, 2013


-"I'm the lost princess."

-Me: Olivia, please focus.
-Olivia: No, Mommy.  I can't be focus.

-Me: Olivia, what are you doing?
-Olivia: It's time for Halloween again.

-"Kelly (cat), do you want to come to my dinosaur party?  Ok, let me go ask Mommy. Mommy, can Kelly come to my dinosaur party?" (Birthday was three weeks ago.  Wasn't a dinosaur party...)

- (Comes down the stairs naked) "Mommy, I need my costume!"

She's hilarious.  Every day is a new adventure.  Tests my patience like you wouldn't believe, but I love her.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

This is for you, Makayla :)  So... I had a spare minute tonight (!) and logged into this blog for the first time in over a year.  It was SO fun to read my old posts about my last pregnancy and Olivia's milestones.  It is a great journaling tool, and I want those memories for myself and for my children.  So here's to my one and only New Year's resolution: Blog at least once a month, possibly two or three times.  Once I figure out blogger's new design tools, I'll change my background and stuff (what was I thinking with the pastel? I hate pastel! LOL), but until then, I'll just focus on updating.

Oh, and just a little bonus for those of you who are actually still following/reading: 
Baby #3 will be here in August :) Shhhh...it's a secret :)