Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Brian

Dear Brian, it is that wonderful time of year during which we are the same age. For the next six weeks we shall share the magical number 23. And since we're getting old, I think I should definitely apologize for a few of the terrible things I have done to you over the years. So...

I am sorry for never letting you play with my barbies. I preferred (and continue to prefer. LOL) my imaginatory games in solitude, but all you wanted to do was be Ken.

I'm sorry for calling you "Brianna" for however long that phase went on.

I'm sorry for always being jealous of your ability to make friends. Let's be honest, you're just more likable than I am.

Mom: "Jayelle, do the dishes."

Jayelle: "Ok."

Jayelle: "Brian, Mom said you're supposed to do the dishes."

I'm sorry for that.

He's a good guy. I'm proud to have him as a brother. I really do have the best family. I think I know how I got thrown into the group. You know how when you're trying to make even teams to play softball or something and you have one weak player and you're not sure where to stick 'em? So you put that person on the team with the most strong players so that they can make up for the weakness of that one. Yup. I am on the team with the strong players so that they can make up for my weaknesses and strengthen me. True story. Love my family!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Saturday Sunshine

  • This week went by quickly! That is good for two reasons. First, because I am counting down to our Nauvoo trip. And second, because I have been very worried that being a stay at home mom would make the days just draaaaaaag on. But they don't. I keep very busy. And feel pretty productive. Most of the time. Good.

  • I had a BLAST at the splash park with Laura and Brittney and their kiddos. Olivia hated the water. It definitely wasn't her bathtub. But we had a good time and she stayed pretty content just sitting on the grass with mommy and sucking on a carrot.
  • I worked on our 72 -hour kits this week a little bit. I basically just took stock of what we have, got rid of what had expired, and made a list of what we need to replace. Olivia didn't have one previously, so I started hers with the basics and we'll get everything back in place a little at a time! Because being prepared is expensive if you try to do it all at once!

  • Brother Heder was my seminary teacher (I can't remember what grade) for one semester in high school. He lives up the street from my parents and is in their stake presidency. His wife's blog has been on my blog list for the past six months. She created the blog in January to share the experiences they had as Brother Heder underwent treatment for Leukemia. He passed away on Wednesday. This is sad news, but the light in all of this is that he was such a great man and is free of pain now. If you have a minute, read some of the posts from their blog. They are short and touching.

  • Olivia has been taking two two-hour naps each day. One in the morning from 10-noon, and one in the afternoon from 2-4. This is heavenly. And although it restricts me a little as far as what time I can run errands and such, I am totally ok with that. For 4 'free' hours a day, I'll take it! (and by 'free', I mean laundry, cleaning, and dishes)

  • I cooked dinner every single night this week. They were not spectacular meals. And probably not even well-rounded nutritionally, but I made them. And I have discovered two things in this process. One, that there are a lot more dishes when you eat strictly at home. And two, you have to clean the kitchen three times as often when you make three meals a day. I live in the kitchen. Which is ok, I suppose.
Monday: Pizza

Tuesday: Chicken and Zucchini

Wednesday: Tacos

Thursday: Fettuccine

Friday: Stir Fry

  • This was a conversation between Ryan and I yesterday:
J: Don't we have free tickets to Toy Story 3?

R: (grumpy voice) Yeah, but why don't you give them away because we can never go to movies anymore. We didn't even go to Iron Man 2. (huff)

Little does he know that I've been planning a surprise date for us to the movies for a week and a half now. I've made arrangements for Olivia (thanks Brit), bought the candy (yes, we sneak it in inside my purse. Naughty, I know), and made a fake excuse about a primary activity to make sure he's home. It's nothing big, but I hope he's surprised and I'm completely excited about it. Oh, the little things you look forward to once you're a parent. LOL

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday Sunshine...

  • The noise Olivia makes when she sees the cat is SO cute. I can't really explain it, but it's so much more gentle than her other noises. Like she's talking to the cat. Love it.

  • Brian made it home and was able to make it to Tyler's graduation. He's been in the middle east since last October, so this was the first time he met the baby. Olivia just loves him. We are just so glad he's home safely. It was hard on him. He's seen things I cannot even begin to imagine. He's got the brightest red hair (definitely the reddest from my side of the family) and I kind of hope Olivia's is like that when it comes back in :)

  • Tyler's graduation was great! I was so stressed out by the time we got there, between getting there on time and then walking down the steep stadium stairs with the baby (I made Ryan carry her. I seriously had anxiety about falling all the way down those crazy steep stairs with the baby.). I think Olivia could pick up on my lack of calmness because she was fussy the whole time. After Tyler completed his parts in the program and his name was read, we left. I was just so uptight thinking that everyone around me was getting irritated about every peep Olivia was making. Yeah. Gotta get over that.

  • Ryan works late four nights in a row this week. This is NOT a sunshine, because I hate being home alone but I am trying to see the positive. It gives me all evening to work out and clean after the baby goes to bed. I never get anything done until Olivia is down for the night, so good thing Ryan doesn't come home at 5 every day because he would definitely doubt my homemaking abilities.

  • Seeing all of our families was so good this week. We love all of you!

  • We are having 'pigs in a blanket' (hot dogs cooked inside crescent rolls) for the first time since I was probably 10. Yum!

  • Vain moment: My new swimsuit came and it wasn't complete torture seeing myself in it. A plus.