Thursday, January 27, 2011

Double Digits

Wahoo! I am still alive at ten weeks. I am feeling a ton better this week, even though I'm still pretty picky about what I'll eat (nothing sounds good). And all the onion lovers in this house are going to be the death of me. I walked into my closet this morning and all I could smell was dinner from last night. I knew what I had been wearing, but I swear that one sweater made all the clothes in the closet smell! Since I'm not in the mood to wash everything I own, I'll just have to live with it until this ridiculous sense of smell wears off. It's my superpower, for now.

I'm pretty proud of all the things I've gotten accomplished this week. I don't know why I am not satisfied with myself unless I'm running around all day like a crazy person, but I guess if that's what it takes to make me feel good...LOL. After all, can the bathrooms ever get cleaned too often? And can I ever be far enough ahead that I won't be drowning in my to-do lists once I have TWO kids? Better keep it up, I guess.
I've been recruited by our ward choir and these guys are INTENSE. We have a lot of musical talent in our ward and the choir director pushes us hard. She asked me to accompany a few of the upcoming Easter numbers. I've been practicing about an hour every day (more than I've practiced...probably EVER. LOL) while Olivia plays or watches a movie and I'm finally making progress on the music. It's been awhile since I've had a challenge like this musically and I'm kind of enjoying the 'me' time.

I haven't gained any weight, thus far, but that's not saying much. I didn't start gaining with Olivia until about 20 weeks and I still managed to put on 40 pounds. It came off easy enough, but I'd still rather keep it around 25 if I can help it. Good thing I'm still craving green apples :)

This pregnancy was dated by ultrasound, since I didn't know my date of ovulation, and I do trust the doctor's judgement, but I SWEAR I've felt this little one a couple of times. It's way too early for that at 10 weeks, right? Or maybe my tummy is just extra gurgl-y?

This picture was taken a few days after I found out I was pregnant (7 weeks)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


So, my good friend Brittney posted a picture of her positive pregnancy test on her blog to announce. Yay for her having twins (Sorry, Brit! I can't help myself...)! I thought it was a cute idea. But if I were going to do that, I'd want to post a pic of all five of the ones I took before I believed it. LOL. We are excited to announce that baby Hegewald #2 will be joining our family sometime in mid-August. My official due date is the 24th (my parent's anniversary) but I'm hoping if I choose to have another c-section that I will have the option to deliver at 39 weeks. We shall see! For now, here are bullet point form. Because I can't conjure up a complete sentence these days.
The morning sickness is an all day event, but it's not as bad when I'm at work because I'm distracted. The other days are killer and I think I'm wearing a permanant spot in my mattress from spending as much time as possible on it. Terrible taste in mouth is back (We will forever be bonded, Laura. LOL) as well as a ton of excess stomach acid that makes my belly gurgle all day long.
Cravings so far include: Sour cream and cheddar Ruffles chips, black forest cake, cinnamon rolls, Wendy's chili, and green apples.
Olivia has decided to start waking up three times a night again after two heavenly weeks of sleeping for about 10 hours at a time (those weeks were the best Christmas present ever). Perfect timing. Getting me back into the newborn routine I suppose.
I found an amazing doctor. So grateful for that. Olivia came to our first visit and wasn't the happiest (nap time), but the doctor didn't seem irritated in the least and made things as quick and painless as possible. We had a quick ultrasound to confirm due date. Heartbeat present.
All good things. So fun.
I have so many things to do in the next 7 months. It's in my head. I should write it down, and then maybe it won't feel like so much!
In case you're doing math, my children will be 20. Months. Apart. But I like the idea of them being close in school.
Ryan thinks boy. I think girl. Last time, he was right. We'll see :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Walkin' the Walk!

So Olivia's been walking for a couple of weeks now!
Once she got the hang of it, she just kept getting better and better.
Still a little wobbly at times (like right after she wakes up. LOL) but it's so fun to see her progress from day to day! The bumps and bruises are at a minimum now that she's fairly steady. :)