Thursday, October 7, 2010


Ok, I'm struggling! I work precisely two days a week. These are 8-hour days, with a half hour drive each way. That leaves me five full days (with the exception of 3 hours for church on Sunday) in which I should be able to get things done. Olivia is almost 10 months old. And yet, I haven't done anything crafty/fun/creative for myself (except for Tyler's graduation announcements a few months ago) since the day she was born. I shouldn't compare myself to others, I know. But everywhere I look my friends are enjoying their various hobbies, while it seems I am doomed to a life of sleepless nights, nap-filled days and barely keeping my head above water. So, either I am just an extremely unproductive soul, or everyone else has some sort of secret! Share away! :) This is how a day off typically goes:
7am Up with the sun...and the baby
7:30 Breakfast, make bed, dishes
8: Shower, get ready
9: Snack
9:30 Naptime
11: Lunch
11:30 Run errands
1: Snack, play, watch Elmo
2: Naptime
3:30 Start dinner
4: Finish up chores
5:30 Dinner, dishes
6: Playtime
6:45 Bathtime, storytime
7:15 Bedtime
And, if I don't fall into bed in an exhausted heap by 8pm, then I am sitting like a log in front of the computer or reading...waiting for the night shift to begin. :) So are you all like me? Where do I compromise to get some 'me' time back? Please and thank you for your swift responses. :)


Monica Bell said...

you and me both girl! if you lived closer we could totally have play dates and do hobby things together!

brittney said...

It really gets easier as they get older and more independent. I know that is probably not what you wanted to hear, but it is the truth. I did absolutely nothing for myself until after the 1 year mark, even 18 months. It was a lot easier to get in the groove with Jack because Abby entertained him:)

What about getting Ryan to watch her one evening a week where you can go out or lock yourself in a room to get your craft on??

A lot of my crafting gets done while Jack takes a nap (and Abs has quiet time in her room:) and after they go to bed. I sometimes have to force myself to get up and do it, but I am always so glad I did!

Rach Williams said...

I hate when others share their life story because it always makes me feel inadequate, but here goes...

I honestly craft/sew/clean/etc any time Asher is sleeping. When he's awake I have him near me and talking/singing/laughing with him so he doesn't get upset that I'm not holding him. If he does get upset beyond consoling, I put him in the Baby Bjorn and "wear" him. Then... once he is in bed at night, I do my hobbies until my eyes can't stay open. I don't require a lot of sleep, so maybe that is the difference: you may need a lot of sleep. I don't know what to say. I honestly just do my hobbies when I Ash doesn't need me. Your baby is older than mine and requires a lot more supervision so perhaps my advice is of NO value to you :)

ME Boehmer said...

I think you should just let her stay with grandma for the next 10-12 years and then everything would be fine!

Jayelle said...

Thanks guys! I'm going to get this down one day! You're all great mommies!

Aubrey said...

I'm with you. I barely get anything done and forget the extras! I'm just not meant to be a mommy of many and I'm not meant to have a ton of hobbies. Just remember, most women have to let other things slip to get their hobbies in. Sometimes it's TOTALLY worth it. Sometimes it's not. She's young enough that you probably aren't ready to do that so no worries. It will come in time. Like 5 years ;)

Erin said...

Some days are productive and some are not. That's just how it goes for me. My craftiness has changed a little too. I'm doing more things for and with Celia instead of for me. And sometimes when I do need something for me, it ends up sitting out for a while as I work on it little by little. All in good time. Just don't let it bother you.