Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Guy walks into a salon...

My salon. And this guy was peeved. He was cranky from the get-go. Middle-aged. Collared shirt and tie. All business. Complete with iPhone ("I have to take this."). So I was cutting his hair and all of a sudden he goes "Ah!" More like a sigh of realization than an exclamation. So I asked him if I had done something wrong. He says, "No. I just realized that the song that's on the radio right now is on my RockBand country disc at home!" Man in chair proceeds to let out a "Der...Der...Der" to the tune of the song (his best bass guitar impression, I think). This was, by far, the highlight of my entire week.


McGinnis Family said...

Oh how I miss crazies at work! lOL!

Rach Williams said...

What a weirdo! I hope you gave him a weird haircut to match his weird personality! Haha.

brittney said...

Nice. I too miss the... um... unique people that would come in. (Not enough to go back, mind you:)

Erin said...

How could you keep from laughing!? I probably would have laughed right out loud!