Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Few Forgotten Photos...

I haven't been taking as many pictures the past couple of months, but I did forget about a few that I had on my memory card. I have tried and tried to get the top ones to upload without being sideways, but I give up. Just turn your heads.
What a dollie! The tiny rocking chair is my mom's and was given to her by her grandmother. She loved that it was just her size. And oh, those faces she makes. I love this girl. Even when she's up at night it isn't so bad anymore. Maybe my body is finally adjusting, or maybe I am just learning how to chill out a little? Just maybe? :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9 Months and Crawling!

Olivia is nine months today! She's more fun than ever and getting around the house really well! And yes, we are bribing her to crawl for the camera with a creamy :)