I probably shouldn't be 'nesting' quite yet, but I definitely feel like I'm getting ready for this baby! I've been trying to clean things out like crazy (like, borderline OCD crazy), organize and take inventory of what we need for a baby boy! No name picked out yet. But we're getting closer, I think. Right now I'm working on the babies' scrapbooks and after those are done, I'm going to paint olivias room (again). What can I say? I'm not in love with how the last paint job turned out, so I'm starting from scratch. Luckily my husband works at a paint store :) And has the patience with me to just let me do my thing when it comes to the decorating!
Our ultrasound was the longest thing EVER! I think I was on that table well over 45 minutes. I ate and drank a lot right before in hopes of getting the baby to wiggle and ensure I would be able to tell the gender! Well, he was sure a wiggly little thing. The gender was quite obvious, but other, more complicated things like heart chambers and spine measurements were nearly impossible to get with him all over the place! We'll be going in for another ultrasound around 30 weeks just to double check where the placenta and cord are in relation to my incision. Good news: my doctor said if I decide to have another c-section, we can schedule it for 39 weeks, if I haven't gone into labor by then. Hey, every week counts at the end!