Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Try...

That's what Relief Society was today. It was a good go, but didn't work out so much. Is church meant for people with infants? I spent the whole time out in the hallway trying to manipulate the baby, the bottle, the diaper bag and the blanket. And forget about the carseat. It got left in the Relief Society room (as if I had another hand for that! Ha!) as I made my hasty escape from class when Olivia started fussing. Ryan was at work, I don't have any other children in primary to wait for, so why in the world was I there? Hmmm...wondered that myself. And I probably would have left if the carseat hadn't been in the classroom (so close...yet so far! LOL). Oh well. Try, try again, I suppose. But, I do have to say that this baby girl looked adorable! I am so in love with her (I just hate it when people say that about their babies...but there is no other way to describe it! Feels like I've known her forever.) and even though I am scared out of my mind when I look at her and wonder what her life will bring, I can't wait!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Olivia has changed every aspect of our lives, but I'm sure that she is getting used to a few changes herself, after being so warm (and I DO mean WARM) and cozy for nine (long) months. She is doing incredibly well, if I do say so myself. Here are a few of her favorite (and not so favorite) things!

Olivia's Favorites:

  • Being held close and rocked (duh)
  • Bathtime-And none of this lukewarm, baby's-skin-is-too-sensitive type water. My girl likes it hot!
  • Her new swing from Grandma B.-Lifesaver.
  • Sleeping on the couch with Dad
  • Staring at the ceiling fans-For whatever reason, they absolutely fascinate her. She just stares and stares...
  • Grunting-When you're a new mom, they tell you that your baby will have different cries for different things (wet, hungry, sleepy, cold, etc.) but this baby has different grunts instead.
  • Riding in the car
  • Tummy time-This girl loves being on her tummy. I know she would sleep better if I could lay her on her belly, but since that is pretty much the cardinal sin of parenthood (higher risk of SIDS) I won't.

  • Eating-I am grateful that she has been so willing to try new things while crazy Mom and Dad are trying to figure out what makes her happiest. She was getting breastmilk from a bottle, but I could not for the life of me figure out what I was eating that was making her stomach so upset and gassy, so we tried formula for a few days and that, combined with anti-gas drops, helped a ton. We are still experimenting with formulas (and I will be getting another job to pay for the darn stuff! Sheesh!) to try and find what works best, and she has been a champ. As long as it's warm and liquid, she'll eat it!

  • Dancing with Mom-I'm not posting any videos. You're just going to have to take my word for it on this one.

Olivia's Not Favorites:

  • Getting out of her nice, toasty bath-Even with a warm towel she still hates getting out of the tub!

  • Baby lotion (but it just smells so good!)

  • Getting strapped in the carseat (another duh)

  • Sleeping in her cradle- Yes, we are going to regret this later, but she sleeps in the reclined position of her bouncer (which I then place right beside me in bed) pretty much every night. Don't judge-I'm working on it. :)

  • Getting dressed

  • Straightening out her arms and legs-Which explains why she hates getting dressed! She just loves to be curled up!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baby Faces

A display of my child's entire emotional spectrum in just over a minute. :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Birth Day, Baby!

I'm trying to be better about taking pictures of our little darling...I just need someone to hold the camera and shoot, since I'm always holding HER. :) I've gotten really good at doing things one-handed and you'd be amazed at the pick-things-up-with-my-feet skills I have developed! Olivia is doing really well. Sleep comes and goes, but my body is adjusting to the crazy schedule. She doesn't nurse, but we've been able to keep her on breastmilk by pumping (what a lifesaver the pump is) and she is 'growing like a weed' as Ryan likes to say. 8lbs. 5 Oz. at her last check-up! And cheesy as it may be, I want Olivia to be able to look back and read about the day she was born. So I wrote her a little letter.
Read on if you enjoy this kind of sentimental thing...
Dear Olivia,

I want to remember all the little details about the day you were born, so I have to get them all out now before I forget. I hope someday when you are ready to become a mom, you can read this and know how amazing an experience it can be!

Mondays were always really routine for your dad and me. Dad always worked the closing shift at Home Depot on Mondays, and I usually had Mondays off work, so we always slept a little late. On Monday, December 14, 2009, we got up and got going around 10 am. Dad made pancakes for breakfast and they were delicious! After breakfast, I started going through paperwork and bills that needed to be filed, since the doctor had ordered me to take it easy due to high blood pressure. Dad left for work just before my water broke at exactly 1 pm. I didn’t know for sure that my water had broken, so I called the doctor’s office to see if I could come in and be checked just to be certain (We had just been in to see the doctor on Friday the 11th, at which point we found out that you were in a breech position and would probably have to be delivered by a C-section). The nurse told me to come right in and I met Dad there at 2 pm. After seeing the doctor and having a quick ultrasound, it was determined that we were, in fact, having a baby very soon!
Doctor Rodgers wouldn’t allow me to go back home, but luckily I had most of my bag packed (Dad told me later that he thought I was a little silly for the pile of items that I had been collecting for a couple of weeks, just in case a situation like this arose, but I am so grateful that I did!) so Dad just had to go home and pick it up, which he did once we got checked in at the hospital. We headed straight from the doctor’s office to the women’s center portion of the hospital, through a ‘secret stairway’ that connected the two buildings. We were taken to an exam room where we did paperwork and the nurse named Carolyn hooked me up to some monitors to hear your heartbeat and to watch any contractions that I might be having. It was supposed to be Carolyn’s day off, but she just so happened to be catching up on some paperwork when the department needed some extra help, so the poor woman had to change into scrubs and be the main delivery nurse for you and I on what was supposed to be her day off (I remember her getting a phone call while I was in the recovery room from one of her kids wondering when she would be home).
After Carolyn was put in charge of us, it all went very quickly. It was about 4 pm when they got my IV started and by 4:15 we were walking down the hall to the operating room. Dad had to wait out in the hallway while the anesthesiologist gave me the spinal block and while Carolyn got me draped and ready for the surgery. I can’t remember the anesthesiologist’s name, but he was so pleasant and I didn’t feel any of the needles that I’m sure were very big and probably pretty scary to look at! After the doctors came in and all of the nurses were there, they let Dad into the room and he came and sat by my head. We were both so nervous, but very excited.
Before I knew it, you were out and crying! It was 4:46 pm. They put you on the scale and told me to look over and there you were, legs straight up in the air (from being folded in half in my tummy!). You weighed 7 lbs. 1 Oz, and were 18.5 inches long. Dad went with you to get you cleaned up while they took me to the recovery room. I just wanted to see you so badly and it was such a relief when Dad finally wheeled you into the room. From there, we took a little trip on an elevator up to the mom and baby unit. We were assigned a wonderful nurse named Heidi who took care of us all through that first night, and we had wonderful nurses through our entire stay.
You were such a good baby and it was so special to just cuddle you while you slept those first couple of nights. We left the hospital on Wednesday evening and headed for home!
Your dad and I were definitely the proudest parents that day!