Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Try...

That's what Relief Society was today. It was a good go, but didn't work out so much. Is church meant for people with infants? I spent the whole time out in the hallway trying to manipulate the baby, the bottle, the diaper bag and the blanket. And forget about the carseat. It got left in the Relief Society room (as if I had another hand for that! Ha!) as I made my hasty escape from class when Olivia started fussing. Ryan was at work, I don't have any other children in primary to wait for, so why in the world was I there? Hmmm...wondered that myself. And I probably would have left if the carseat hadn't been in the classroom (so close...yet so far! LOL). Oh well. Try, try again, I suppose. But, I do have to say that this baby girl looked adorable! I am so in love with her (I just hate it when people say that about their babies...but there is no other way to describe it! Feels like I've known her forever.) and even though I am scared out of my mind when I look at her and wonder what her life will bring, I can't wait!


Rach Williams said...

At least you took her out while she fussed. People in my ward just sit there and expect the teacher to speak louder than their screaming infant. I am sure that you are an awesome mommy and your little sweetie is so lucky to have you. When she gets a little older I'm sure that church will be less traumatic. She is absolutely adorable Jayelle!

Jayelle said...

Thanks Rach! How are you feeling? Being prego is no fun (at least in my experience) but a plus: when it's over and you put your old jeans on, you feel like a supermodel! Hang in there!

Makayla Steiner said...

Hahahahaha! My Aunt Emily (who is like, 30, and has three young boys) said to me today, "There is one thing way wrong with the gospel set up. They tell you to multiply and replenish the earth, and they tell you to attend all of your church meetings. And the two simply don't go together." Must have been that kind of day. :)

Aubrey said...

LOVE that picture!!
I totally know what you mean about RS. Someone told me in the past year as they saw me wondering the halls with 1 of my children
'Heavenly Father gives us this test to prove that even though we can't stay in the class the whole time, we are here in faith, following his commandments and we will be blessed for our efforts.' I truly believe this because I know I can still feel the spirit in his chapel even if I'm not hearing the words that are being said. Hope you have more luck in the future. I was lucky because until about 6 months my babies will stay in their car seat the whole time as long as there are some plush toys and a bottle for them. Now, on the other hand, Jocelyn is 9 months and CRAZY! She tries to jump off my lap and yelps for no reason. Fun times. Nursery will be here before you know it and then you'll miss these days.