Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh, The Thinks You Can Think

You can think up some birds.
That's what you can do.
You can about yellow
Or think about blue...
You can think about red.
You can think about pink.
You can think up some horses.
Oh, the THINKS you can think!
Dr. Suess
I never realized how many things about having a baby I had not THOUGHT about. Logistical things. Practical, everyday things that you never notice or worry about until you have to! Some I have figured out...others are still a mystery! My (ever-growing) list:
  • Where do you put the carseat when at a restaurant? Turns out they have these luggage rack-type things that are really quite bothersome but do the trick.
  • How do you get your carseat attached to the shopping cart? (I literally panicked when I realized that I was on my way to the store by myself and had no idea what I was doing.) Got that one down. Not rocket science, as you can imagine.
  • What goes in the car first? Groceries or baby? I chose baby. Baby goes in car, car gets locked, groceries go in trunk, cart goes back to cart return. Problem solved. Works quite nicely.
  • Purse or diaper bag? Now, you laugh. But seriously! It is extremely hard for me to find a purse that I love, and even harder to find a diaper bag that I feel like carrying around everywhere! I'd love to just have one bag, but then what do I leave with the sitter or with Ryan? Still haven't solved this dilemma. Still carrying around a purse and a diaper bag every time we go out. Ideas?
  • "Sleep when your baby sleeps." That is what everyone says. How this is makes for adequate sleep I am not sure. There is just nothing that compares to a good 8 hours. And when I have those 8 hours back someday, I will have a new 'happiest day of my life'.
  • Other moms. My perspective might just be a little bit skewed as of this moment in my life due to lack of sleep, I see other moms in a whole new light! For example, at church on Sunday, I sat on the back row and stared at these women in pure amazement. How did they get that bag full of books and treats packed, get their hair perfect, get their children ready and still manage to get to church by 9 AM? Amazing. I actually cannot comprehend it at the moment. I guess you have to ease into it!
Oh, the things I had never thought.


Lindsay Ann Rasmussen said...

The whole diaper bag purse thing, i just threw in my wallet into my diaper bag. I never have anything else that is useful in my purse, so it wasnt a big deal! Then you just have to pull out your wallet when you leave the baby with a sitter and its done!

Aubrey said...

Every one is different. The things one mom has issues with another is fine. It really will start clicking. For me, I found a VERY cute black diaper bag that's not huge and it was only $9 at Wal-mart. I keep a small clutch in there so that if I have to leave the bag with anyone then I just grab the smaller bag out of it. By baby number 2 you will be an old pro.

Jayelle said...

Haha, I sure hope you're right Aubrey! Thanks for the ideas guys! I'll keep my eye out for a cute diaper bag.

Erin said...

Ditch the purse, you've got enough to carry around! I just bought an oversized purse as my diaper bag that I take to Church or when I want to look extra nice. Otherwise I bought a big tote bag for those times when I need to carry lots of junk with me, a.k.a. traveling, and I have another diaper bag for other occasions when I don't need alot, and I don't need to look really nice. Hmm, can you tell I like to have the right bag for the right occasion? Sam never knows which diaper bag we are supposed to use. I'm just silly I guess. I have a little clutch inside my diaper bag with my "essentials" that I can move from bag to bag. Sounds complicated, but it works for me! I'm sure you'll find your groove.

Ry and Monica said...

AMEN. That is all I have to say to this post. Unfortunately I didn't figure out the cart/baby thing until my second grocery trip...I had to call ryan to come and help me pack her around!