Babies have taken over my mind. I'm sure everyone else can relate! LOL. Sometimes I just sit back and wonder when the exact moment was that my entire life became centered on things like when to take away the bottle, how long to let her cry, how to convince myself that I'm not being entirely neglectful if I do let her cry. Sheesh. And the contents of my purse. When did hairbows, bottle parts and odd socks make their way in there? Hahaha. Just making sure I'm normal here. Motherhood seems so glamorous when I see other people doing it with their perfect kids, but the thought of being mom to two scares me to death just about every time I think of it. I am truly excited, but mostly afraid :) On that note, ultrasound Wednesday! Yay! On the first ultrasound at 8 weeks, little baby looked just like a bean. Hoping to see fingers and toes this time (and a few other things! I really want to know the gender so Ryan and I can start fighting about a name...I mean, picking a name. Hehe)
We've had a little bit of sickness through our house the past few weeks and I'd like to think I handled it pretty well. I haven't really had to deal with a lot of that with Olivia before, but I really didn't mind the sleepless nights like I thought I would...probably due to all of the cuddling! She's never been a cuddly baby, and I can't even remember the last time she actually fell asleep in my arms. So, it was totally worth it. But we're all feeling much better now!
Here's a shot I took yesterday. Bump getting bigger.