Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It Was Probably Nothing...

So I had a little bit of a freaky moment today! I got up, went to the store, came home and then went out again to go see Ryan for lunch and a quick Costco trip. When I left the house the second time I was thinking, "Hmmmm....kinda feels like Braxton Hicks contractions. Should I be having them this early?" I had them a LOT with Olivia, but I couldn't remember when I started having them with her (I'm 15 weeks). So I freaked out and called my doctor on the way home from Costco, and was reassured that as long as I wasn't feeling pain, cramping or bleeding, it was probably just from dehydration and stress, and maybe a little something brought on by the UTI that is clearing up. The nurse told me to 'put my feet up and take it easy'. She doesn't know my child. LOL. So, basically, I should be drinking more water to cure EVERYTHING that is wrong with me! I hate plain water. I'll have to figure that out. :) I read on one website later today that the B.H. contractions can actually start in your first trimester, but usually they aren't noticable until late in the second. Moral of the story: I've never been one to call the doctor about every little thing, but when it comes to my babies, I'd rather feel silly for being too concerned than feel sorry if something really is wrong!


brittney said...

And you should call concerning baby! I have heard that though, water cures everything, haha! I go through two cases a week. Ben says my new habbit is expensive. Too bad I can't stand tap water!

McGinnis Family said...

You can never be too safe when you are pregnant or with your babies! I'm glad you called because it's better to be safe than sorry! Drinking more water will totally help. I had a couple UTI's with Corie and drinking a ton of water helped. However, I am not a fan of plain jane water, at all!!!! Mix it up with Crystal Light. It helps a bit.