It seems obnoxious to me when others constantly countdown their pregnancies, but it's just sort of how I measure my life at this point, so I've become the obnoxious one! I am barely 1/3 of the way through, and still I want it all to be over. I've never been so sick before. I even took Zofran (morning sickness 'miracle' drug. Read=expensive) for a few weeks hoping it would help, but it never did. Combine that with the awful (snowy+freezing=my personal hell) weather we've been having, and you have a pretty miserable momma who is just hoping to forget the last 8 weeks. The sun has come out a bit this last week, so I've gone outside (!) with the kids a few times just to breathe in the (semi) fresh air for a few minutes and minimize the cabin fever. I am looking forward to our doctor visit next week, since we will be able to schedule our big ultrasound at that appointment! Finding out the gender is always so fun, and should happen around the end of March. If everything with the insurance works out, I should be able to stay with the same doctor (love her.) and same hospital for this delivery as I had for Gabe.
Olivia is still the same girl as she always has been, just taller and with more hair. She's still waking up a few times a night and always wants to climb into bed with Mom and Dad. We love her snuggles, but no one really gets any rest when she does this, so we're trying to make her own bed seem just as comfy, cozy and appealing as ours! It's not working. She's a wonderful big sister and is enjoying going to Sunbeams. She just turned 3 before the New Year, so she is young for primary, but is doing pretty well.
Gabe is running everywhere and has started talking a little bit. He says, "Mama, Dadda, bubbles, ball, Nana, Grandpa, no, dog, up, more". I'm sure there are more. He's just learning new things every day. His favorite thing to do when he is getting his diaper changed is to have lotion on his hand and rub it everywhere. He is a great little teddy bear who loves to cuddle and hibernates for 13-14 hours a night. A well-deserved treat after so many sleepless nights with his adorable sister :) He started nursery last week and is doing pretty well, considering he's never been away from me for any measurable amount of time, except when he's with his grandmas.
Ryan and I are doing (enduring) another semester of school. I plan to take the fall semester off after the baby comes in mid-august and I will continue next spring. Going two semesters in a row with no break has completely killed my motivation. The morning sickness/weather/moodiness isn't helping me feel super enthusiastic about my homework, but I'm trying to stick with it and get decent grades, even if they're not perfect.
I just got called as an advisor in the Young Women's, and I'm so excited about that. I spent so long in YWs before Olivia was born and going back to that calling just feels like home to me. It is more work (although, I get out of Girl's Camp this year, since it's in early August) than cub scouts has been, but it is so fun to get to know the girls. I have awesome co-leaders and there is just this unity within our group that I hope I'm not just imagining because I love Young Women's and I think it is the perfect calling :)
Monday, February 18, 2013
14 Weeks
Posted by Jayelle 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
-"I'm the lost princess."
-Me: Olivia, please focus.
-Olivia: No, Mommy. I can't be focus.
-Me: Olivia, what are you doing?
-Olivia: It's time for Halloween again.
-"Kelly (cat), do you want to come to my dinosaur party? Ok, let me go ask Mommy. Mommy, can Kelly come to my dinosaur party?" (Birthday was three weeks ago. Wasn't a dinosaur party...)
- (Comes down the stairs naked) "Mommy, I need my costume!"
She's hilarious. Every day is a new adventure. Tests my patience like you wouldn't believe, but I love her.
Posted by Jayelle 0 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Posted by Jayelle 4 comments
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Family Photos

Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Gabriel's Welcome
Gabriel was born on a Tuesday morning. The Sunday before, I was supposed to play the organ. We showed up to church, I practiced for a bit, then I got really sick. I was so hot, felt really faint and nauseous and couldn't even read my music! We told the bishop to find another plan (five minutes before sacrament started...poor guy.) and went home so I could rest. I drank a bunch of water and laid down the rest of the afternoon. My wonderful parents came and picked up Olivia to give me a break. Ryan went to work and I decided I felt good enough to get some tidying of the house done. I started having regular contractions, and these felt a little different than what I'd experienced before. They were getting closer together, about 5 minutes apart and lasting about 1 minute each. I even started keeping track on my trusty little contraction timer app. LOL. And then I went to bed. And they stopped. Ok, so if you've ever been to that point and had everything just quiet down, you get mad! I was so angry. I wanted this baby out so bad! I couldn't understand why I was almost 39 weeks and still pregnant. Everything hurt; I was out of breath all the time and I couldn't play with Olivia. I was just done!
We got to the hospital, checked in, spent a little while in labor and delivery waiting for my doctor to show up, the usual. I was not progressing at all. Not even a little dilation 4 hours after my water broke. I was so antsy. And tired. I decided to have a c-section instead of trying VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and was so relieved when the decision was actually made. The nurse took some blood when she put in my IV and sent it to the lab. And then the lab called to say she had put stickers with the baby's name on the tubes instead of mine. Apparently they are very picky about these sort of things and wouldn't use the blood for testing, even if they changed the stickers. So I got poked. Again. And away went four more little vials of my blood. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to have any left!
Posted by Jayelle 1 comments
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Gabriel is growing so fast. He's up to 8 1/2 pounds from 5 1/4 when we left the hospital. He eats much more than Olivia did at his age, but he also sleeps much better and is just more content overall. He is such an easy baby, which I am so grateful for.
Olivia is going non-stop. She talks so much now and some of her favorite things to say are:
"What happened?"
"Oh NO! A baby!" Every time Gabriel makes a peep.
"Hi Mommy! How are you?" Holding phone up to her ear.
And I can always tell when she's getting tired, because she will lay down where ever she happens to be (stairs, porch, playhouse, kitchen floor) and say, "Night Night!"
She is such a good big sister and only tries to hurt Gabe ocassionally, when I'm not paying enough attention to her.
Ryan is just plugging along. He works like crazy plus he's taking two classes this semester. He's doing great, grades are excellent and I'm just so proud of him.
I started back to work a couple of weeks ago, and am working overnights at my group home. It is pretty simple most nights, just cleaning and checking on the girls. I'm only doing Sunday nights and filling in when the other two graveyard shifters have nights off. I really am a night owl, so it's no big deal. I do play sleep catch up the day after, but good thing Olivia doesn't mind a couple of movies and Gabe sleeps a lot :)
Posted by Jayelle 0 comments
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Posted by Jayelle 1 comments