Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I've been in hibernation mode for almost two months now. And my blog has been suffering longer than that! LOL. I don't have much time...I'd rather be sleeping...so here's what's been going on with us:

Gabriel is growing so fast. He's up to 8 1/2 pounds from 5 1/4 when we left the hospital. He eats much more than Olivia did at his age, but he also sleeps much better and is just more content overall. He is such an easy baby, which I am so grateful for.

Olivia is going non-stop. She talks so much now and some of her favorite things to say are:

"What happened?"
"Oh NO! A baby!" Every time Gabriel makes a peep.

"Hi Mommy! How are you?" Holding phone up to her ear.
And I can always tell when she's getting tired, because she will lay down where ever she happens to be (stairs, porch, playhouse, kitchen floor) and say, "Night Night!"

She is such a good big sister and only tries to hurt Gabe ocassionally, when I'm not paying enough attention to her.

Ryan is just plugging along. He works like crazy plus he's taking two classes this semester. He's doing great, grades are excellent and I'm just so proud of him.

I started back to work a couple of weeks ago, and am working overnights at my group home. It is pretty simple most nights, just cleaning and checking on the girls. I'm only doing Sunday nights and filling in when the other two graveyard shifters have nights off. I really am a night owl, so it's no big deal. I do play sleep catch up the day after, but good thing Olivia doesn't mind a couple of movies and Gabe sleeps a lot :)