Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Oh, Alex

Alex's letter this week kept me laughing the whole time I was reading it. He is so hilarious, without actually meaning to be. He is such a great missionary.
Hey Mom, March is going alright so far; transfers is coming up next week so we will be getting our call next Monday if we are even going to be split apart. It does seem like it's time though since we have been together for almost four and a half months now, and believe me being around the same person twenty-four seven for four and a half months is not ans easy thing to do. Such is mission life I guess. we had Zone conference again last week on Wednesday. We talked a lot about how to Find people to teach in a creative way during those hours of the day in which finding is very hard to do. In fact there was one companionship who wrote in the snow as they walked down the street and their prime investigator was the one who took the time to find out why someone had written this in the snow all along the sidewalk. Our ward had the privilege of providing lunch for the conference and they did a wonderful job with it. in Fact the mission office staff loved the orange jello that was served so much that they basically commanded my companion and I to find out who made it and how they did it. After lunch at the conference there is always a scripture mastery contest and the winner gets a tie if its an Elder and I'm not sure who gets it if a sister wins, but I won the tie this last time that. I was so nervous and shaking when it came to be my turn to so the scripture. I have noticed that the one you don't have memorized is usually the one that is picked for you to do so to avoid that problem i just memorized all of them. I have seen the pictures of the new missionaries that are coming out for here and what do I get to my surprise but to hear that another Missionary is coming from Tooele. This was very cool and only got cooler when I found out who it was, so I guess that Devin Orton is coming to Minnesota at the end of the transfer nest week. i laughed so hard to see that someone I actually knew was going to be coming here to Minnesota. It sounds as if your busy over there and I still can't believe that Seth (our cousin) is going to be leaving on his mission about the same time I went on mine. I have been remembering Brian and how he must be in the middle of the dessert somewhere and not in the cold. or Even in teh midst of gunfire and how scary it must be. I hope he's safe. Love you all Love Alex