Ok, I'm struggling! I work precisely two days a week. These are 8-hour days, with a half hour drive each way. That leaves me five full days (with the exception of 3 hours for church on Sunday) in which I should be able to get things done. Olivia is almost 10 months old. And yet, I haven't done anything crafty/fun/creative for myself (except for Tyler's graduation announcements a few months ago) since the day she was born. I shouldn't compare myself to others, I know. But everywhere I look my friends are enjoying their various hobbies, while it seems I am doomed to a life of sleepless nights, nap-filled days and barely keeping my head above water. So, either I am just an extremely unproductive soul, or everyone else has some sort of secret! Share away! :) This is how a day off typically goes:
7am Up with the sun...and the baby
7:30 Breakfast, make bed, dishes
8: Shower, get ready
9: Snack
9:30 Naptime
11: Lunch
11:30 Run errands
1: Snack, play, watch Elmo
2: Naptime
3:30 Start dinner
4: Finish up chores
5:30 Dinner, dishes
6: Playtime
6:45 Bathtime, storytime
7:15 Bedtime
And, if I don't fall into bed in an exhausted heap by 8pm, then I am sitting like a log in front of the computer or reading...waiting for the night shift to begin. :) So are you all like me? Where do I compromise to get some 'me' time back? Please and thank you for your swift responses. :)