Ryan's mom made us the beautiful quilt, we already had the curtains, and we got a killer deal on the used crib and table. And now my creativity is used up for the rest of the year.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Too Early...
Posted by Jayelle 7 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Brian Update
Brian leaves for training in California on Wednesday and the news did this awesome piece on his company which is based out of Camp Williams.
It aired last night, I think, but I just saw it this morning. He is definitely part of the few(there is NO ONE quite like Brian. LOL) and the proud. Gotta love that boy! Prayers appreciated!
Posted by Jayelle 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
17 Weeks
Can't believe I made it this far! We went to the doc again today and heard the hearbeat once again (yes, I heard it this time). Next month we get to have our extra fun ultrasound and find out whether we have a lady or a gentleman, but since we'll be out of town the week we are supposed to do it, we have to wait an extra week! Ah! The suspense is killing me. Not that the lack of gender knowledge is keeping me from moving forward with things. We are painting the baby's room tonight. Color: well, it's called 'soar'. Basically the lightest blue that can still be classified as blue. I'm thrilled. I know, blue is a "boy" color, but this is so light, refreshing and calming that I just think it will be perfect even if we come home with a little pink bundle of joy(I'm totally happy either way, but let's be honest here, we don't grow girls very often in either of our families. LOL). So, in response to all the questions about the belly, here is a photo. I will be more diligent from now on, but I haven't felt the need to take pictures until now, because I haven't felt like I looked any different. This tummy just appeared in the last couple weeks, and I'll keep a better record now that I feel like I'm growing!
Posted by Jayelle 5 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Go Away! I Already Have a Conscience!
I cannot take it anymore. There is a cricket somewhere under my kitchen sink. It chirps all night long, starting at about 11pm and finally shutting up about 8am. Ryan doesn't seem bothered by it. That high-pitched creaking is hurting my ears, and ruining my sleep! I finally narrowed down its location tonight (since Saturday I've been hearing it but I could never find exactly where it was), and Ryan was kind enough to clear out the area and spray our bug spray stuff all under the sink. But the dang thing came back. And its still going at it. I think we may need a professional to keep these things away next year, and perhaps keep my sanity. I also realized, as the contents of my under-the-sink cupboard were scattered on the counter, that I should probably find a safer place to store my potatoes than next to the febreeze and the ant bait. LOL
Posted by Jayelle 3 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Catch Up and Release
I got released from Young Women today. I got called to be the ward organist two weeks ago, and I knew that I would be getting released, so I didn't expect to be sad about it at all, but I guess I'm extra emotional about everything these days! I have been crying at just about everything lately (one particular commercial on TV for OnStar where a car crashes into a tree and the operator is asking if the person is ok...you know the one I'm talking about...and I bet NO ONE else in the world gets teary-eyed when they see it! LOL).
Ryan and I took a short trip to Tooele at the beginning of this week. We went to see Brian, since his schedule will be somewhat crazy and unknown (Military life. Ah. Its not for anyone who likes to plan things, that's for sure) until he leaves for California and then for Afghanistan. We had yummy dinner on Tuesday with him and the rest of the fam (well, Mom, Dad, Tyler, Brian and us. Alex is otherwise engaged and Chris was in Emery where all the summer fun is) and then helped him move out of his apartment on Wednesday.
An apartment that has housed 3
21-year-olds for the last 6 months. Need I say more?
Also while in Tooele, we painted my mom's mailbox post and put a new mailbox on top. It looks 100% better. But we had to go to Home Depot before we could start that project because we didn't have any white exterior paint (the paint section is probably my favorite part of Home Depot. If I need to talk to Ryan while he's at work, I just hang out with the paint samples until he has a minute to see me. Its a good place). So, while we were walking to the paint department, I suggested (jokingly) that we should finally paint the front door red like I've been wanting to do for the last 8 years. Mom said, "OK". Now, red is a funny color. Red is hard to choose and get it right the first time. I know this. But I chose a little square called 'Red, Red Wine" in like 5 seconds and just like that, we had a quart of non-returnable, VERY red paint. I was thrilled!
We left with two quarts of paint, one white and one red, a few stir sticks, some lightbulbs and a new mailbox.
We got home and started our projects! I was just itching to get that paint all over that door, but first things first. We quickly realized that if were were going to paint the door, the shutters would also have to be painted to match. And since we had some leftover white paint, the trim around the door needed to be touched up too. And if we were going to paint the trim, we had to go get a spray can for rusting metal to re-do the railing. And why not pick up a new doorknob set to go with the good-as-new door? Commence second trip to Home Depot.
We got the door painted, the shutters down and painted(which also involved the unfortunate elimination of a few wasps nests. They were all over us the rest of the day), the trim painted, the mailbox put back together and the railing taken care of. We were almost done! And then I (once again, jokingly) teased Ryan that he should just use the rest of the spray paint to cover up the swing on the front porch. Of course he ran out of paint about halfway through. Well, we needed another quart of red paint anyway, since we hadn't anticipated having to paint the shutters originally, so Ryan did Home Depot: take three.
After about 6 hours and 5 coats of red paint on that dang door, things were looking pretty good! And Dad got the surprise of his life when he rode up on his motorcycle and saw me holding a red-covered paintbrush in my hand and his front door in his garage. Oh well. It'll grow on him. :)
Ryan also took me to see Music and the Spoken Word while we were in Salt Lake. I haven't ever been to see it live and it was so awesome! I'm always a pretty cheap date, but this was so fun. :) I always watch on Sunday mornings, so seeing it live was a treat. The broadcast we attended marked the end of their 80th year so it was a big deal. There were a lot more people than I expected. They hold the broadcasts in the conference center during the summer because of the number of people that attend, but that's ok because the seats are much more comfy than those wood benches in the Tabernacle, I'm sure. A great experience, aside from the slightly cranky lady that sat directly in front of us, even though we were the only ones sitting in our section (sort of like at the movies, when the whole theatre is empty, but the noisy group decides to sit directly below you so that you can't put your feet on the seats! Ah!). She was rustling in her purse the entire time, writing checks and birthday cards and reading a book (when I googled the title later on, I found out it was a book about a woman's journey as an ex-mormon feminist). So...anyway...maybe she really was there for the music, but either way, seeing the choir was probably the highlight of this particular trip!
And, of course, the one time I forget the camera, we actually do something worth taking pictures of! Oh well!
Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Call...
I received a message on my facebook page from a great friend a couple days ago:
Dear Jayelle,You have not blogged for a long time. This is your call to repentence. :D
Oh, you make me laugh. So after work today will probably be devoted to grocery shopping and perhaps Harry Potter, but new posts to come!
Posted by Jayelle 4 comments
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