The problem is that I had a good little workout tonight and now I want to eat everything in my fridge! "Sigh," says I. "Growl," says my tummy. :)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I Think That...
- ..this baby is either going to be some sort of gymnast or world kick-ball champion. I'm just saying that I don't think we have to worry about any kind of muscle weakness in the leg region. The kicks this kid can produce are insane.
- ...the best times I have with Ryan are when we just talk to each other and laugh and laugh some more...usually when we should be sleeping.
- ...because of the regular occurance of the best times (above) I am getting into a terrible sleep pattern where I stay up all night talking, go to work in the morning, and totally crash around 6pm...only to wake up and stay up all night again...sigh.
- ...I am not telling clients at work what we have chosen for our baby's name. I DID tell one guy the other day and he told me it was a terrible name! Who says that?! He said something about it being 4 syllables and only 6 letters and what a mouthful and yada, yada, yada. So no more of that.
- ...tomorrow will be fun for a couple of reasons. First, it is the primary presentation. :) Second, I get to play "How Firm a Foundation" as one of the hymns. Possibly my favorite to play on the organ. And people might actually sing.
- ...I probably should have gone to the Relief Society broadcast tonight, but I was too afraid that I would get stuck sitting on a metal chair. I know. Pathetic. But sitting anywhere for that long gets uncomfortable, let alone a hard, folding chair. Good thing they'll re-broadcast it on BYU-TV sometime tomorrow.
- ...I will make banana bread sometime soon. Yum!
Posted by Jayelle 3 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
I Give Up!

Posted by Jayelle 1 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
What's in a Name?
We've chosen a name for our baby! I'm so excited to start sharing it with our family and friends. People have always told me you have to wait and meet your baby before naming it, but I am thinking that the less I have to think about after giving birth is probably for the best! It took us so long to decide on two names that we agreed on that I am glad to have the decision made!
First Name: Olivia
The girl's name Olivia is pronounced oh-LIV-ee-ah. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "olive tree". Coined by Shakespeare as the name of a much-wooed aristocrat in his play "Twelfth Night" (1599). He may have derived the name from the olive plant, or as a feminine form of Oliver. Biblical: the olive tree is a symbol of fruitfulness, beauty, and dignity. Today, "extending an olive branch" traditionally signifies an offer of peace.
Middle Name: Grace
The girl's name Grace is pronounced grayce. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "favor; blessing". A virtue name referring to God's grace.
Hope you all like it! We sure do!
Posted by Jayelle 5 comments
Happy Leather Anniversary, Honey!
"The 3rd wedding anniversary is often when a couple is aware of their durability of their relationship. That is why leather is the traditional gift for this celebration." Well, I guess we're officially durable! LOL I'm copying some of my friends and just putting up some fun pictures of the memorable times Ryan and I have shared during these last 3 years. Note to self: take more pictures of us together!
Posted by Jayelle 4 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
There are some things money can't buy. For everything else...
Cruise to Mexico amidst Hurricane Jimena- $$$$
Shore excursion to swim with the dolphins- $$$
Visitor's pass so Dad could watch shore excursion to swim with the dolphins- $$
Dolpins making Dad jealous- Priceless.
Posted by Jayelle 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
ABCs of Me
My friend Aubrey did this and I thought it was so fun to read!!! Plus, she tagged me...and I have no other thoughts today beyond how quickly the chorister was leading the hymns today in Sacrament
A - Age: 23B - Bed Size: King...worth every penny. Especially since I've been taking up more and more room lately with my pillow collection(who knew sleeping while pregnant was such a hassle? Especially when I'm so tired all the time?)
C - Chore I Love: Do we LOVE chores? I like feeling like I've accomplished things by crossing things off my chore LIST, but I do not LOVE any chore specifically!
D - Dog's Name: Max. The beagle.
E - Essential Start To My Day: Shower, and I must shampoo my hair EVERY day!
F - Favorite Color: Black or brown.
G - Gold or Silver: Silver
H - How Many Times Have You Been Outside The USA: Trips back and forth to Canada over the years, and to the Bahamas once.
I - Instruments I Play: Piano, and sort of Organ (I don't think that one counts because I cheat and don't play the pedals:)
J - Job Title: Cosmetologist
K - Kids: 1 little girl on the way(think we've decided on a name...will possibly share soon:)
L - Living Arrangements: Husband, Me, Cat
M - Most Popular Dessert At My House: Ryan likes ice cream, but I prefer cookies or cereal :)
N - Number Of Times I Have Stayed Overnight At The Hospital: 0
O - Outdoor Activity I Have Never Tried, But Would Like To: river rafting or kayaking.
P - Pet Peeve: Wow...where to begin...LOL. It truly bothers me when mothers let their children run around in the salon. Kids are welcome, and there is a place for them to sit and read, but they still need supervision. Peeve over. LOL
Q - Quote From A Movie: "Is there anything on this menu that is not swimming in GRAVY?" Yzma, The Emperor's New Groove
R - Restaurant I Could Eat At Everyday: Pizza Hut...good thing that's not an option every day. LOL
S - Siblings: 4 Brothers
T - Time I Wake Up: As late as I'm allowed...but not usually past 9.
U - Unknown Fact About Me: I love to play with Lego! Having kids is going to be dangerous, because Ryan and I are already looking at all the toys we want to play with!
V - Veggies I Dislike: Red cabbage.
W - What Is My Dream Vacation: Anywhere warm with no cell phone service :)
X - X-rays I Have Had: Just teeth.
Y - Yummy Food I Make: Chicken enchiladas, Chili, Funeral Potatoes (hey, they're yummy to me!)
Z - Zoo Favorite: I haven't been to the zoo in forever, but I do like the felines! Lions and Tigers.
I tag.....Oh, I can't pick! If you feel so inclined, please go for it!
Posted by Jayelle 3 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
Leaving So Soon?
So some of the articles I've been reading tell me that I won't be able to feel the baby moving so much when she gets bigger. Do all you moms agree with this? Because this is so much fun!!! She moves more at night and when I lay on the couch. I love feeling her move (it reminds me that even though I'm getting fat, it's all for the cause. LOL) and I don't want it to stop!
All you wonderful mommies out there...please help me know what to expect!
Posted by Jayelle 5 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
23 Weeks!
Yup, everything seems to be going ok, and I'm not sure when this nesting thing is supposed to kick in, but my white board (that wonderful invention that nicely and neatly separates my life into 3 columns of 'home', 'work', and 'church'. Ha! If only it were that easy...) has suddenly filled to capacity with all the things that need to be done from now until next MAY! Talk about overwhelming! But I've always been a list maker, and having things written down makes me feel better for some reason (even though I'm pretty sure that, as much as I want to, it is just too early to be making Tyler's graduation announcements! LOL).
Posted by Jayelle 1 comments
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