Tuesday, September 1, 2009

23 Weeks!

I can't believe how far we've come and how good I'm feeling...knock on wood. Life is pretty much normal, if you don't count the obnoxious heartburn and the bazillion trips to the potty every day (sorry...TMI. LOL). That might be due to the fact that this little girl is really active when I sit still, and there is just less and less room for my vital organs these days(like, say, my bladder!).
Yup, everything seems to be going ok, and I'm not sure when this nesting thing is supposed to kick in, but my white board (that wonderful invention that nicely and neatly separates my life into 3 columns of 'home', 'work', and 'church'. Ha! If only it were that easy...) has suddenly filled to capacity with all the things that need to be done from now until next MAY! Talk about overwhelming! But I've always been a list maker, and having things written down makes me feel better for some reason (even though I'm pretty sure that, as much as I want to, it is just too early to be making Tyler's graduation announcements! LOL).


Erin said...

Lookin' Good! I'm so excited for you!