Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I am a firm believer in not updating your facebook status more than once a day. It makes the world think that you have no life. FYI. But I have some good ones today. So...this is me not updating my status more than once.
"My almost-4-month old fits perfectly into her new outfit from Costco! It's size 12 months."
"I owe the salon 8 bandaids from my 6-hour shift today. Ouch."
"I love chubby baby legs!"
"I had so much fun visiting my family this weekend! Even though I know they all just wanted to see the baby!"
"It talks! (My baby, that is....and she more just babbles...)"
"I hate wind. Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away?"
"Does anyone else think that Kate Gosselin MUST GO?"
"We put a peephole in the front door and bought a gun so I can feel safer when Ryan's working late. Of the two improvements, I feel fairly certain that I'll be getting more use out of the door hole. LOL"


brittney said...

HAHAHAHA! I love it! You can update it all you like... that way I have something to read while I have no life and am on Facebook;) eight bandaids?? That is an ouch day!

Aubrey said...

Love it!!!

Yes..Kate must die! I mean go. haha