Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sweet News!

My younger brother, Tyler, is a senior in high school this year and just found out today that he will be valedictorian of his class! Yipee! He has always been super successful in mostly everything he does. He will be attending BYU in the fall, with a double major in Piano/Organ performance. So proud. Sniff Sniff.
My bothers are all pretty awesome, in general. You might be jealous, but you cannot have them. They're mine. Get your own awesome quartet of boys to call your amazing siblings. :)
And now I can finally finish Tyler's graduation annoucements which I have been making (I am quite proud of them) and perhaps may post a picture or two once they are done.
As a side note: Ryan is, as we speak, taking a nap and using the baby's Boppy as a pillow. I'm dying with laughter (On the inside, of course. I don't want to wake him up.).


McGinnis Family said...

That's pretty dang impressive!!!! Maybe he can give you and I organ lessons? Oh wait, we're in Primary. LOL!