Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ma Momma

It's simple. My mom made me who I am today. She still loves me (I think) after all I've put her through. After all the times I didn't show an ounce of gratitude after she had worked so hard. After lovingly dragging me along as a needy child when I'm sure she just wanted some 'me time' because I wanted so desperately to go do 'grown up' things with her. I can actually NEVER remember a time when she has criticized a decision I have made, even when it made for bad consequences. She's never said "I told you so." She's never said, "Jayelle, why are you wearing church socks over top of your tights?" She's never said, "Jayelle, why are you wearing pants underneath your skirt?" She's never said, "Jayelle, why are you wearing your hair in a ponytail on TOP of your head?" You get the idea. Her acceptance has given me confidence. I always felt like I was her ONLY child. She taught me to work first and play after. And when it was time to play, she played WITH us. She taught us songs. I grumbled. I still know more hymns than the average church-goer because of her efforts. She's never too busy for me, although she is ALWAYS busy. She may think I don't notice because I am completely awkward when telling someone how much I care for them, but I hope she knows how amazing I think she is. She's my superhero.


MBoehmer said...

Thanks for the memories... you were worth everyone! Time to pass it on. You're going to be a great momma! Love you.

Rach Williams said...

Happy Mother's Day to you little lady. It's your first ever and I hope it was a good one. Your mommy was always so nice to me so I think that I like her too!

mike prince said...


It is so fun to read your blog every once in a while and see you with your little family. Olivia is just beautiful! You will be just as great as a mom as your mom is!

Shelly Prince