Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another Mission Call!

Alex got his mission call today! I'm so excited for him to serve in the Minnesota, Minneapolis mission. He'll report to the MTC on May 6! I'm sure there will be more news and excitement to come from my end...I'm a little preoccupied with my brothers' lives, and I'm sure they would tell me to butt out if they weren't so awesome!
Love em so much!


Makayla Steiner said...


That's so awesome!

Dakota is waiting for his call as we speak (metaphorically, of course).

He'll likely be on a cruise in the Caribbean when it comes (evil laugh from evil sister...)

We're excited. I too love my brothers' lives and if they were less cool they'd likely tell me to butt out too. :)

Jayelle said...

That's so great! Can't wait to see where he goes. Wait...are you going to open it while he's gone??? That IS evil! LOL