Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Please keep your hands, feet, and head inside the ride while getting a haircut.
Posted by Jayelle 6 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Proof!

Husband's super decked out Home Depot apron
Cardboard cut-out Salt Lake Temple. (Do you know how long that took to make? Toss it? I think not.)
About ten suitcases. We should go somewhere once in awhile, I suppose.
Giant plush gorilla
Most of my shoes :-)
Three non-matching socks in a gym bag. Seriously.
"Santa's Coal" bubble gum...from two Christmases ago.
All remaining clothing from the high school/college days.
About a zillion bobby pins that were missing the little rubber ends.
Two non working flat irons.
My treasured Doc Marten's. Sigh. LOL

Closet Before

Closet After
Posted by Jayelle 3 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Cleaning out My Closets
I love the feeling of Saturday! Why?
- Because it's the day before Sunday and I always have Sundays "off" (a day of playing, practicing, teaching, reading, but which is technically a day off, since I don't have to go to work).
- Work is usually busy, but we have three girls working, so it normally doesn't get super overwhelming.
- I can catch up on my chores after work without worrying about work the next day!
- The town just has a little extra "buzz" on Saturdays. A good buzz. Like things are being accomplished and people are happy to be getting them accomlished.
Yes. Saturdays are delightful. So, since I am done with work, I am now making a mental list of all the things that need to be done. It is feeling incredibly spring-like outside, so I think a healthy dose of spring cleaning needs to be administered to my closets. I have lots of clothes that I NEVER wear. I have plenty of shoes that I NEVER wear. And my scrapbooking closet is awful, because I just throw the scraps from all my little 'projects' into a pile. I think is how I will spend my evening. Cleaning out my closets. Literally, of course.
Posted by Jayelle 4 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Juice and Bunnies
You Need:
White Washcloth (or colored if you want a colorful bunny!)
Elastic and Ribbon
Small Pink Pom Pom
Small White Pom Pom
Two Wiggle Eyes -- 10mm
Scrap of Craft Foam
Glue Gun, or Tacky Glue
Lay the washcloth on the table diagonally so it looks like a diamond. Beginning at the top point, roll down the washcloth to the middle. Roll the bottom up to the middle, so you have a long strip of rolled washcloth. Fold the long strip in half
Glue on wiggle eyes, pompom nose and foam strips for whiskers. Glue on pompom tail.
Posted by Jayelle 3 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Long Day
Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Another Call.

I'm just going to scold myself ahead of time. "Jayelle, you need a serious attitude adjustment."
Because I don't want him to go.
I'm worried about him being gone. And I wish I could do it for him (weird, huh? I know, but I really do wish that I could make it so that he didn't have to deal with it. As if I could deal with it any better. HA.)
I'm still sorting out all of my feelings on the whole thing. Right now I feel like throwing a giant tantrum...but I've thrown a lot of tantrums in my day and, looking back, I'm not finding any example of a tantrum that was extremely effective. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.
Posted by Jayelle 5 comments