Monday, March 2, 2009

Another Call.

My younger brother, Brian,will be deployed to Afghanistan this August. How long? Don't know.

I'm just going to scold myself ahead of time. "Jayelle, you need a serious attitude adjustment."

Because I don't want him to go.

I'm worried about him being gone. And I wish I could do it for him (weird, huh? I know, but I really do wish that I could make it so that he didn't have to deal with it. As if I could deal with it any better. HA.)

I'm still sorting out all of my feelings on the whole thing. Right now I feel like throwing a giant tantrum...but I've thrown a lot of tantrums in my day and, looking back, I'm not finding any example of a tantrum that was extremely effective. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.


Makayla Steiner said...

Aw, go ahead and throw a tantrum.

This is not fun stuff. Brave stuff, but not fun stuff.

I'll keep him (and you) in my prayers.

Jayelle said...

Thanks(For the permission as well as the prayers!). You're awesome!

Erin said...

I have always wondered how I would feel. I think I would be angry at the people who are continuing the war and for people who are making money from it. In the back of my mind I try to always be prepared to have my brothers and husband drafted, as much as I hate that thought...I'm sure I wouldn't be prepared for it even by allowing myself to think it possible! Throw your tantrum and shed your tears, I'm doing the same for you. Love you!

Aubrey said...

I have yet to experience my loved one going over so I won't even say 'I know how you feel'. However, a few of my neighbors husbands are headed over there as I type this. It's amazing their attitudes about it because I would be freaking out but I guess when you are doing what you feel is right for you, you can have peace in your heart. I know that it is likely my husband will go eventually as well and I just hope that I will be able to understand that the Lord knows what he's doing. So, cry it up and then get down on your knees! I will be there right with you. Love ya

Leslie Anderson said...

What does your brother do that he will be going over there? My husband is over there right now and I can tell you that I could not be more proud of him for going over there to fight for our freedoms. It is hard but everyone can get through it. Just know that him having your support will be the best thing for him. If you need to know anything let me know. We have been doing this Army thing for 5 years and will be doing it for another 20. I will be thinking about you always