Ryan decided that a little investment in an Elmo stocking for Olivia was ok this year. I still think it was ridiculously expensive for a stocking, but it is so worth it when I watch her little face on this video. She is such a ham and I love it!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Guy walks into a salon...
Posted by Jayelle 4 comments
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Posted by Jayelle 7 comments
Friday, October 1, 2010
- Olivia is crawling everywhere. I have got to figure out a way to keep this child contained! Ideas?
- Ryan and I went to Tyler's first college band concert last night and it was incredible, save the 20 minute Russian Dance number by the woodwind ensemble. LOL. Tyler isn't a horn major, but he made it into the band and is second chair French Horn. We had a lot of fun being out without the baby.
- Ryan and I are both getting into the groove of our new jobs. I'm working only Mondays and Saturdays, so I have the rest of the week to do whatever else I get time to do, since I have a twenty-pound shoulder bag (Olivia, although my actual purse may weigh that much at times)that I have to carry around with me everywhere.
- I am in love with our video baby monitor. It wasn't of much use when Olivia was younger and sleeping right next to me, but now that she's in her own room (and standing in her bed) it's so fun to watch her crawl around her bed and pull herself up (oh, and Ryan's personal favorite, "stinkbug" position. LOL). It was a gift (pricey) but I think it would be totally worth it. Now, if only it had a record button!
Posted by Jayelle 1 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A Few Forgotten Photos...
Posted by Jayelle 0 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
9 Months and Crawling!
Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Posted by Jayelle 0 comments
Sunday, August 15, 2010
8 Month ABCs

Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Monday, August 2, 2010
Mid-West Trip
- Nebraska:
- Wyoming
- Illinois:
- Missouri:
Posted by Jayelle 4 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
As Promised...
Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
7 Months!
- Weighs close to 17 pounds
- Was diagnosed with VUR (vesicoureteral reflux) early in the month. She came down with a fever, tested positive for a kidney infection and had an ultrasound and dye x-ray to find the problem. Her bladder refluxes urine back into both kidneys, causing infection over time. Repeated kidney infections are not good for the kidneys (obviously) so she is on low-dose antibiotics (not crazy about this) until we can get into the urologist in a few months. Basically, baby with kidney infection=no fun for anyone, so we continue the recommended course of treatment for the time being.
- Sits up really well! She still tips over occasionally, but is better every day!
- We may have officially outgrown the Bumbo, but it will make one last hoorah to Nauvoo. Can't beat the compactness of the bumbo as a seat/highchair on the road!
- Sleeping through the night! Just kidding. Had to throw that in there. LOL (FYI: still waking up four+ times a night. Eats more in six hours at night than the rest of the day combined. Should fix that one of these days. But for now, I just get the bottles ready before bed and go with it. :)
- Eating solid foods like crazy, and loving them!
- Had her first Fourth of July and went to bed early :( The life of a baby. LOL
- Loves other kids. Like, a lot. Loves to share slobber. Delicious.
- Says "Mamama" all the time, but not sure she is really talking about ME. Still, I'd like to think all of that coaching has paid off. :)
- Has one Great Grandma Boehmer that cannot wait to get her hands on her!
- Will be taking her first real road trip this week to visit Nauvoo and St. Louis. Can't wait to meet/ see all of our loved ones!
- Olivia's favorite thing is to watch videos of herself on our phones. Her next favorite thing is to eat paper. I actually had Ryan google 'edible paper' today to see if there is such a thing. Turns out, there is! It's for cake decorating and such, but sounds like the perfect church toy to me. This baby has SO many toys, and yet, she chooses to love the cell phones and the paper. Why even bother buying toys, I say. Yum. Paper.
Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Happy Birthday Brian
I am sorry for never letting you play with my barbies. I preferred (and continue to prefer. LOL) my imaginatory games in solitude, but all you wanted to do was be Ken.
I'm sorry for calling you "Brianna" for however long that phase went on.
I'm sorry for always being jealous of your ability to make friends. Let's be honest, you're just more likable than I am.
Mom: "Jayelle, do the dishes."
Jayelle: "Ok."
Jayelle: "Brian, Mom said you're supposed to do the dishes."
I'm sorry for that.
Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Friday, June 11, 2010
Saturday Sunshine
- This week went by quickly! That is good for two reasons. First, because I am counting down to our Nauvoo trip. And second, because I have been very worried that being a stay at home mom would make the days just draaaaaaag on. But they don't. I keep very busy. And feel pretty productive. Most of the time. Good.
- I had a BLAST at the splash park with Laura and Brittney and their kiddos. Olivia hated the water. It definitely wasn't her bathtub. But we had a good time and she stayed pretty content just sitting on the grass with mommy and sucking on a carrot.
- I worked on our 72 -hour kits this week a little bit. I basically just took stock of what we have, got rid of what had expired, and made a list of what we need to replace. Olivia didn't have one previously, so I started hers with the basics and we'll get everything back in place a little at a time! Because being prepared is expensive if you try to do it all at once!
- Brother Heder was my seminary teacher (I can't remember what grade) for one semester in high school. He lives up the street from my parents and is in their stake presidency. His wife's blog has been on my blog list for the past six months. She created the blog in January to share the experiences they had as Brother Heder underwent treatment for Leukemia. He passed away on Wednesday. This is sad news, but the light in all of this is that he was such a great man and is free of pain now. If you have a minute, read some of the posts from their blog. They are short and touching.
- Olivia has been taking two two-hour naps each day. One in the morning from 10-noon, and one in the afternoon from 2-4. This is heavenly. And although it restricts me a little as far as what time I can run errands and such, I am totally ok with that. For 4 'free' hours a day, I'll take it! (and by 'free', I mean laundry, cleaning, and dishes)
- I cooked dinner every single night this week. They were not spectacular meals. And probably not even well-rounded nutritionally, but I made them. And I have discovered two things in this process. One, that there are a lot more dishes when you eat strictly at home. And two, you have to clean the kitchen three times as often when you make three meals a day. I live in the kitchen. Which is ok, I suppose.
- This was a conversation between Ryan and I yesterday:
Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Saturday Sunshine...
- The noise Olivia makes when she sees the cat is SO cute. I can't really explain it, but it's so much more gentle than her other noises. Like she's talking to the cat. Love it.
- Brian made it home and was able to make it to Tyler's graduation. He's been in the middle east since last October, so this was the first time he met the baby. Olivia just loves him. We are just so glad he's home safely. It was hard on him. He's seen things I cannot even begin to imagine. He's got the brightest red hair (definitely the reddest from my side of the family) and I kind of hope Olivia's is like that when it comes back in :)
- Tyler's graduation was great! I was so stressed out by the time we got there, between getting there on time and then walking down the steep stadium stairs with the baby (I made Ryan carry her. I seriously had anxiety about falling all the way down those crazy steep stairs with the baby.). I think Olivia could pick up on my lack of calmness because she was fussy the whole time. After Tyler completed his parts in the program and his name was read, we left. I was just so uptight thinking that everyone around me was getting irritated about every peep Olivia was making. Yeah. Gotta get over that.
- Ryan works late four nights in a row this week. This is NOT a sunshine, because I hate being home alone but I am trying to see the positive. It gives me all evening to work out and clean after the baby goes to bed. I never get anything done until Olivia is down for the night, so good thing Ryan doesn't come home at 5 every day because he would definitely doubt my homemaking abilities.
- Seeing all of our families was so good this week. We love all of you!
- We are having 'pigs in a blanket' (hot dogs cooked inside crescent rolls) for the first time since I was probably 10. Yum!
- Vain moment: My new swimsuit came and it wasn't complete torture seeing myself in it. A plus.
Posted by Jayelle 1 comments
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Saturday Sunshine
- I worked my last day at the salon yesterday. It was a great day to be there. Some of my favorite people came in and I got to say goodbye. Feels good to be done for now!
- I stayed in my pajamas until well past noon today (Probably the result of my 'celebration' of being done with work. This post is the beginning of me whipping myself into shape so that this day isn't a complete waste!). I have NOT done this since right after Olivia was born. Even in those early days of no sleep, I still got up and got ready every day. Saved my sanity. But today...I didn't. And it was great!
- Olivia took a two hour morning nap today! That NEVER happens while I'm home. And she is asleep again now for her afternoon nap. Hope it lasts that long!
- I'm expecting my new swimsuit in the mail any day now. But I am NOT looking forward to putting it on that first time. Scary.
- I've been doing the elliptical after Olivia goes to sleep on the nights that Ryan works late (3 or 4 nights a week). It has been so awesome for me! I don't dread Ryan working late so much because I have something worthwhile to do with myself PLUS I feel so much better when I exercise.
- Besides giving me more time with my baby girl, I'm hoping that not working will help heal my hand eczema. It has gotten pretty bad lately with all the hand washing I do at home, combined with all the shampooing at work. Crossing my fingers :).
- Next week we are heading to Salt Lake for Ty's graduation. He is giving a speech, playing the piano for the walking of the graduates and also performing a piano solo for the program. Can't wait to go.
Posted by Jayelle 1 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Posted by Jayelle 1 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Posted by Jayelle 3 comments
Sunday, May 16, 2010
On a Roll
This is a little old. Baby girl rolled over for the first time on May 7th and it was just so exciting! Sorry to facebook friends who have already seen this one. I am such a proud momma!
Olivia also turned 5 months this past Friday. Her 5-month Favorites:
- Rolling over...mostly from back to tummy, and from tummy to back once or twice so far.
- Laughing when we tickle under her chin (thanks to Laura for finding this ticklish spot! LOL). She just giggles and giggles!
- Reading books in the bathtub.
- Playing in the excer-saucer.
- Watching the cute baby in the mirror.
- Being outside or looking out the windows.
- Basketball. We rarely watch basketball, but a few times we've had it on and Olivia is just mesmerized by the games! Who knew?
- Our good friend and Olivia's babysitter, Brittney, told me that Olivia loves to watch Elmo. I turned him on the other day and she just stared. She was smitten. Her first love.
Our little sunshine is growing more than ever. And changing in so many ways. We love her more and more all the time!
Posted by Jayelle 1 comments
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Posted by Jayelle 7 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Ma Momma
Posted by Jayelle 3 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
(Olivia speaking: "Get this dress off of me and put me to bed!"
(I'm not sure what I was trying to accomplish by holding Olivia's hand in every picture. It was obviously making her real happy, right?)
Posted by Jayelle 3 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sweet News!
Posted by Jayelle 1 comments
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Mostly For Mommy and Daddy...
Posted by Jayelle 3 comments
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Posted by Jayelle 2 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Bath Time!
Our lives are becoming more and more routine with each day, and I LOVE that! I was so thrown off at first with Olivia because I depend on my routine to anticipate and prepare for each day, and there has been such a lack of that since she arrived. Going with the flow has never been one of my strong attributes. I have felt so out of control (Control? Me? Never! LOL) and the past few weeks, I've finally felt like I can handle things a little better. Progress. I have never been forced to learn so much about myself in such a short amount of time!
Olivia turned 3 months last Monday. She is more beautiful each day. Here are some fun new things she is loving and experiencing:
I bought a Moby wrap. It has basically saved my life (thanks, Erin for the suggestion!). The wrap has become part of our routine, and if Olivia goes in the wrap right after she eats, she goes right to sleep. She is so happy to just sleep the day away while I work around the house or go for a walk and she has been sleeping better at night since starting to take regular naps. I should have tried this wonderful little invention out a LOT sooner.
Speaking of sleeping, Olivia had two nights this week where she went to be around 11 and only woke up once until 7 AM. That may still not sound great, but for me, it has been HEAVENLY. Feeling more and more like myself every day! And a rested baby is a happy baby!
Ryan and I decided to try putting Olivia in her cradle again last week. We have sort of been taking the path of least resistance up to this point, so she has been sleeping in her bouncer, but no more! She has taken to it quite well, and now my feet have room in the bed again!
Bath time is part of our bedtime routine, and our little fishy just loves it. Getting her ready for her bath my second favorite time of day (my favorite is when she first wakes up and is SO happy!) because she gets so excited. Here are some pictures for your (mostly, for my own) enjoyment.
Posted by Jayelle 5 comments